Creative Director
& Storytelling Ace

Hi, I’m Jolyn Janis. I help mission-driven businesses nail their go-to-market strategy through brand storytelling so they can dominate their industry.

You launched your business to change the world. The more people connect with you, the bigger your impact.

I excel at helping companies like yours by developing your authentic brand story, leveraging what makes it unique, and turning it into your competitive superpower.

Attention is currency. You need a message sharp enough to cut through the noise.

Uncover the heart of your story, focus your resources on what's essential, and you’re on the road to establishing a lasting legacy in your industry.

Is your strategy, your message, your audience, and your offer crystal clear? If not, this is where our collaboration begins.

Here’s the plan:

Know Your Audience.

Target and Tune: We’ll pinpoint your primary audience and segment your existing customers.

Craft Your Message.

Design Your Story: We’ll develop your company’s authentic brand story and identify ways that belonging to that story means to your audience.

Design Your Offer.

Clarify Your Promise: We’ll develop your unique value proposition, what you offer that aligns with your customer's strongest decision-making drivers.

Make Your Plan.

Iterate and Optimize: We set goals, track progress, and pivot as needed. Consider my services as an extension of your team, here to guide their marketing efforts and lighten the load.

Strategy is a superpower. Marketing becomes less work when you are more clear.

The core of marketing is cultivating connections that last and creating enthusiastic fans who champion your passions. Strategy is the architectβ€”it’s about placing the right messages in front of the right people at the right time.

Think of it as a secret handshake that only your tribe will know. With the right strategy, your marketing becomes less about convincing and more about connecting.

Discover your brand story. Missions are fulfilled one resonant message at a time.

Let’s amplify your message so it’s easy to champion and impossible to ignore.